The kitten is known as "Junior" even though we can't tell just yet if he/she is a boy/girl. (The outdoor plumbing is a little indistinct at 5 weeks). He (for now) is doing great, very cute, spunky and vocal. He is so noisy now that we think it's time for solid food and we'll be starting him on something this week. I bought turkey baby food and we'll see how that goes. He still needs a home - we are currently protecting him from the dogs. His chances of growing up are fairly slim if we keep him, so he needs a home pretty soon!
Other news - I was humiliated in front of my peers at work this week. My region had its annual "Staff Appreciation Day" which consists of nice gifts and a good lunch for the workers, and a chance to watch their managers do something silly while everyone cheers. The theme this year was sports, and of course there was sports trivia (which I actually did pretty well on - all those years of being exposed to Matt and Bill and their sports talk actually served for something - I won a Baby Ruth candy bar!). The managers - Randy, our Deputy Director, Jim, the other CWSM, and myself - had a sports obstacle course to complete: bounce a basketball 15x with each hand, bounce a tennis ball on a racket 15x without dropping it, make a putt into a cup and throw a football into an inner tube hung from a basketball backboard. I never thought I could compete with those two as they are both "jocks", but I finished a respectable third (minor detail - there were only three of us in the competition) with Randy's help (he caught the football and threw it in for me on my third attempt!) I did make the putt on the first attempt - not bad. Even Randy the golfer had to try twice!
It's very hot here in SoCal this weekend, everyone is laying low and/or running through sprinklers, which is my favorite hot weather coping method. I spent a lot of time watering this weekend. There is something about running water that relaxes me. Back to work tomorrow.
1 comment:
Jean, what a fun read. Glad you get to have some fun at work. How do you get the photo on the right and how do you get it to change? There is so much I'd love to learn. So many of the blogs I read have really fancy things on them.
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