Saturday, February 7, 2009

January flies by

I don't know what happened to January. I feel like I just got back from Texas. Life continues to be busy. My sister Joan and I have spent most of the month sorting out a difficult situation with a good friend of ours from church, Doris. She is 82, and is legally blind and somewhat deaf, and is recuperating from a bad fall in early December. Long story short, she stayed with us for a few days at a time until she was able to stay by herself at night, and we found someone from my church to come in during the afternoons to clean up and make her dinner and make sure things are in order. She knows she needs to move eventually into assisted living but it has been a hard decision for her. We are now working on getting her mobile home cleaned out and ready to sell. Slowly, slowly, it's a big adjustment for her.

Otherwise, I spent lots of time in training this month with people from other counties and hearing about budget woes. I am counting my blessings because there are (so far) no indications that SB County will lay off anyone - we may go to furloughs, but that's better than losing a job. I think I could get by if I was laid off - I could probably retire ok - but there are many of our workers who need both incomes just to get by. In our Department, we are now doing something called "Brown Bag with the Managers" every month or six weeks or so to give workers a chance to help each other and help us problem solve as well. It has been super-successful and so far we have had a great turnout. The December meeting consisted of everyone thanking each other for all the help they have given each other - we have an office that is known for its great teamwork and it continues. I feel very blessed to have this job.

Matt, Laura and Danielle are fine as are Bill, Joan and the dogs. Maggie (our Great Pyrenees) has been beside herself since two Mini Pinschers moved in across the street - they drive her nuts and she just wants to go over there and clean their clocks...Athena hates it when it rains and doesn't even want to go outside to pee. (We tell her she has no choice in this particular matter...) Wiley is a big drama king and hates having his nails clipped - acts like you're killing him.

I have started teaching my class at Loma Linda School of Social Work. Big class - 15 students. Doesn't sound like it but when they are making two presentations each, two papers, three quizzes and two longer papers, that adds up to a lot of work. However, I really enjoy the class and they are starting to get into it now. We have lots of discussion and debate over social issues. Fun.

Bill has been to the doctor several times this month. I was concerned that his legs were getting weaker, but I think it is primarily because he hasn't been doing anything except sitting. We now have him in physical therapy with the idea of getting him strong enough to be able to go back to the gym, that would help a lot. I didn't realize that his doctor is head of the medical staff at a large local Kaiser facility and gets anything he wants when he wants it. We got the referrals that he asked for within a few days. Pretty nice.

Not much gardening going on. I have been cleaning up the yard a little at a time. Didn't plant too much this winter - lettuce, beets, carrots, spinach, fennel and chard. I know that sounds like a lot, but it really isn't, not for me!

For February, I plan to keep working on cleaning out pockets of messes, of which there are many in my house, work on the yard and my class. Back to the gym on a regular basis - I have struggled to get into a regular schedule since my class is on Mondays and that was one of my regular gym nights. I'll figure it out.


Anonymous said...

Momma, I have never looked at this before, but its fabulous. I am so happy that Dad is doing some physical therapy. I will call him from time to time to keep him motivated. Love you much and have a great week.

Claudia said...


I enjoy hearing about your life. I'm glad "facebook" also, keeps us in touch.

Anonymous said...

hello, i miss you.

hope to see ya soon
